Back on the Gri(n)d


I'm back on social media, but strictly for business purposes. Maybe I just missed the point of those sites...I never met anyone or rekindled a friendship via Facebook or Myspace or whatever because I feel like all my friends should have my number...and use it. Those sites are nice for spying...I don't want a friendship from afar...a virtual poke or a message with no voice(mail). But it serves a purpose--it connects us without us having to try to remember 50/11 birthdays, addresses and upcoming events. So like I said...strictly business.

I've been so busy preparing myself for the opening of my shop--thinking about my budget, my business plan, my clients, my marketing campaign and such. So busy in fact that I almost forgot the fun part...DECORATING!

I went to the paint store and came home with a few plants and probably 40 swatches. I've decided on a "gender neutral" color scheme to appeal to men and women alike

I'm thinking about these colors....

My long lost art work

I decided to skip overtime today (yeah I'll regret it later) so that I can do what I used to do..wake up early and make breakfast, read and write a few poems, design a dress or two and paint. When I was in college, I mostly painted self-portraits; not because I'm vain or anything but rather I had a lack of subjects willing to sit still at ungodly hours of the night when I felt the urge to paint.

Self portraits circa 2007, when I had my locs



The reality and inspiration for this piece


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