Working the Plan

I have been blogging about my daily wear and activities for about 10 months now, I love showing off my thrifted finds and I love my personal style. I have decided to take this eandeavor to the next level and form my own business. I have spent nearly every free moment studying and working on my business plan. I feel confident that it will be well received and successful. I also know ir will take a lot of sacrifices, hard work and support...but I'm ready!!

Here is my QR forthcoming :)


 Saul...he's wearing a Jimi Hendrix t-shirt that reads: BOB MARLEY. He told us the story of this discounted typo tee and we all laughed at the irony...."we all look a like" and Hendricks was smoking "Bob Marley" way back when lol


What I wore to the concert.
 This is one of my fav tees. I got it from Forever of the few times I could fit something in there. This shirt sold out so fast...chics still trying to get their hands on one.
I learned a drinking game called "Spoons". It was pretty fun...esp when my homeboy shattered a shot glass in his bare hands. Some dudes just don't know their strength lmao.

 Me and my lil bro and sister at a family bbq. I decided to wrap my hair up in anticipation of the rain.

Thrifted: Jewelry
Gifted: Head/body wrap


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