Mother-Daughter Tea

I met a lovely sister, Shakira, owner of Kira's Kouture Boutique at an event a few weeks ago. She has such a glowing aura, it makes me feel like I've known her forever. She's a good natured person, she's a go-getter, a young entrepreneur like myself, oh and she loves thrifting like me :)

She's been very supportive, and I was happy to see her at my event and to support her at her Mother-Daughter Tea. It was a great event...look forward to next year's event!

Here I am in a thrifted neon green dress and thrifted plastic/pleather heels.

 My mommy and my sister, coming to support me and enjoy the Tea

 Some of the items SOLD by the newest members of Team Tightfisted
 Two of the speakers at the Tea, The central theme was dreaming big and taking the steps towards accomplishing them. Another theme was not letting obstacles stand in your way--to be proactive and to write down your goals. I totally agree with the messages.

 When I started my business, I had (ok still have) poor credit, I was renting, did not have any savings or business skills/knowledge. All I had was an idea based on a hobby of mine--thrifting. Luckily, I also had a full-time job and transportation. I turned that idea into a well-thought out business plan. I sought help from SCORE, a free consulting program for entrepreneurs and did A LOT of research. I ended up changing my plan for a physical store to an online store because of the costs and time investments, but I have not given up on that goal. I have simply made a new vision board; sometimes adaptation and evolution keeps species around much longer.


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