Mother-Daughter Tea

I met a lovely sister, Shakira, owner of Kira's Kouture Boutique at an event a few weeks ago. She has such a glowing aura, it makes me feel like I've known her forever. She's a good natured person, she's a go-getter, a young entrepreneur like myself, oh and she loves thrifting like me :)
She's been very supportive, and I was happy to see her at my event and to support her at her Mother-Daughter Tea. It was a great event...look forward to next year's event!
Here I am in a thrifted neon green dress and thrifted plastic/pleather heels.

My mommy and my sister, coming to support me and enjoy the Tea
Some of the items SOLD by the newest members of Team Tightfisted

When I started my business, I had (ok still have) poor credit, I was renting, did not have any savings or business skills/knowledge. All I had was an idea based on a hobby of mine--thrifting. Luckily, I also had a full-time job and transportation. I turned that idea into a well-thought out business plan. I sought help from SCORE, a free consulting program for entrepreneurs and did A LOT of research. I ended up changing my plan for a physical store to an online store because of the costs and time investments, but I have not given up on that goal. I have simply made a new vision board; sometimes adaptation and evolution keeps species around much longer.

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